
Dater School Communication Pathways

Ramsey School District values collaborative partnerships and open communication between schools and families. To help foster that collaboration and communication, we have developed communication pathways to promote direct, open, and respectful interactions to work out concerns quickly and efficiently. 

Each communication pathway starts with the professional staff member closest to the situation, as that person usually has the most information. At times,  additional personnel are required to resolve specific situations. 

When appropriate, we encourage students to work directly with staff members to resolve issues that may arise.  When this is not possible or has not resulted in a resolution, we will be guided by these communication protocols. 

Role of the Board of Education: Concerns of individuals in the community brought to the attention of a Board member cannot be acted upon by that Board member but will be referred to the proper communication pathway. When the communication pathways are used properly, communications improve, and the Board of education can act as the final arbiter on issues that have not been resolved at other steps in the chain.

Communication pathways for a variety of topics are listed below.

Elementary Schools