Students enjoy Morning Meeting by playing "Heads or Tails". To mix it up a little, the tie breaker was a game of good old fashioned "Rock, Paper, Scissors". We learn to play fairly, encourage each other, and to win graciously.

Today during the whole school morning meeting at Dater, Mrs. Lawley announced the author for our Spring Author Visit!! In just 71 days, the New York Times bestselling author, Chris Grabenstein, will come to Dater School! His books are starting to fly off of the shelves in the ITC. We can't wait for his visit!! 📖✍️🤩

5 Wissell/McGowan practices their Spanish communication skills! Students got to interview each other about their food preferences and react to each other! 🍔🥗🥪🌮🍕🍟

Start each Wednesday with a WIN - get the Ramsey Review! 🎉
⏰ Dr. Matteo's weekly e-newsletter is released each Wednesday morning at 7:30 sharp!
Not receiving it? Head over to Ramsey.k12.nj.us and ask our chatbot to "subscribe to the Ramsey Review!"

Inquiring minds in 5Gesualdo/Thomson wanted to understand the science behind hand warmers.Thanks to our skier, Olivia, for the inspiration!

Great job, 5Thompson, on your first day of morning announcements. You sounded like professionals !

Impossible Shot winners in 5ModestoAzouri and 5Aujero won extra recess with Mrs. Glebocki for their classes last Friday! Students applied their social skills and self regulation strategies to have fun, be creative, communicate and collaborate with their peers.

5Wissell/McGowan engaged in a Socratic Seminar in Mrs. Aujero’s Humanities class. The Inner Circle discussed who was the better Egyptian Pharaoh, Hatshepsut or Thutmose III. The Outer Circle listened in on the conversation and added what they observed. There were so many compelling arguments that minds were changed!

Students in 4Kirch/McLaud are practicing being entrepreneurs by creating a business and plan for a new store on Main Street. They did this by studying economics this past unit and understanding the factors of production.

During today's TEDTalk lesson, 5th graders learned the invaluable life skill of how to give and receive feedback effectively. After drawing their own bunny, students in 5Thompson and 5Jezequel discussed qualities that make feedback helpful.

On Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, 4Davidson and 4O'Rourke want to thank Officer Mike for keeping Dater safe!

4Groenveld's class working on problem solving with our math partners and checking partners!

Dater students got to be the Star Student Scanner during their ITC classes! ⭐️

Today in 4KirchMcLaud, students learned about different figurative language techniques to revise their writing. Did you know that Mrs. McLaud dressed up as a metaphor, once upon a time?

In Social Studies, students in 4O'Rourke are getting creative and brainstorming ideas for a new business on Main Street. They're learning about entrepreneurship and what makes a business successful in our community.

Registration for Dater Chorus is now available! Chorus is an after school activity that offers students the opportunity to perform in a vocal ensemble with others who share their passion for music performance and singing. All 4th and 5th graders are welcome. Rehearsals are once a week on either Tuesday or Thursday (you choose), from 3:00-3:45. Students are invited to attend an interest meeting on Monday, January 6th, during the school day, where they'll find out more information from Mr. B For more information and to get signed up, visit the Chorus Website or scan the QR code pictured. https://sites.google.com/ramsey.k12.nj.us/dater-music/home/dater-chorus

Ms. Gulino's 5th grade Humanities Class hard at work!

🎉 Welcome 2025!
As we turn this new page together, we're inspired by the endless possibilities that await Ramsey students. May this year bring fresh opportunities for learning, growing, and dreaming BIG!
Happy New Year! 🌟

🌟 Joyous Kwanzaa to all our Ram families celebrating! May these seven days of reflection bring unity, purpose, and celebration of culture and community. Wishing you moments of joy and meaningful traditions with loved ones. 🐏

✨ Happy Hanukkah to all our families celebrating! May these eight nights be filled with light, love, and beautiful traditions. 🕎