The Ramsey Public School District is dedicated to encouraging young people to see reading as a meaningful way to better understand our passions, curiosities, and the world around us.
Why It Matters: We feel that reading now, more than ever, is an essential outlet for our young people.
Students will choose at least two books, fiction or nonfiction, which they feel would be engaging.
Although the minimum is two, we hope that students will read more.
While reading, we encourage students to continue using all the skills and strategies they have learned this year to be active readers, including jotting, using post-its, and writing about their reading in a reader's notebook.
During the first weeks of the 2024-2025 school year, students will need to be prepared to demonstrate their understanding of their chosen works.
Click HERE for a list of recommendations across different genres!
The bottom line: We encourage you to read as a family, draw upon common interests, and have conversations that create deep and lasting connections with literature.
Please review the titles to decide on the best fit for your child.
One resource to help with this is Common Sense Media.
If you have any questions about the summer reading, please feel free to call Carmen Lacherza, English Language Arts Supervisor, at 201-785-2300 Extension 21572 or email