Profile Projects

On June 14th, 8th grade students presented their Profile Project Defenses of Learning for teachers, Board Members, and Administrators from across the district.

Why it matters: The Defenses of Learning demonstrate the progress and growth of our middle school students as they transition to their high school years. Furthermore, the projects highlighted key Profile of a Ramsey Graduate Competencies such as Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.

  • This Year, students were grouped together based on the topics they ranked as areas of interest in an effort to create heterogeneous groups with common passions.

  • Projects ranged in a wide variety of topics including Mental Health, Pollution, Impacts of Social Media, and more.

  • Students identified an area of need, created an action plan, and then took action to impact a change or a cause.

Defending Their Learning: As a culmination to this process and their Smith careers, students were then invited to participate in a reflection on both the project as well as their time at Smith School.

  • This defense is both a presentation of the work they accomplished and a way for students to explain how they have developed over their time in middle school.