First Night Kits

The 8th Grade Book Club & Community Service Club are teaming up this Super Bowl season for A “Game Day Essentials” Collection to support Jersey Cares First Night Kits.

What It Is: We are collecting essential items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, tissues, travel-size lotion, chap stick, and hairbrushes to make kits for families & young people spending their first night in a shelter. All items must be new & unopened!

When: From February 3rd to February 7th, we will have collection tables in the lobby for the items

🌟⭐The team with the most donations will receive 50 POINTS for Charity Challenge! 🌟⭐

Donate AND Participate In Our 🏈SUPERBOWL SPIRIT DAYS🏈

Monday 2/3: "Kick-Off For Charity": Wear your Superbowl pick colors! Wear Green for the Philadelphia Eagles or Red for the Kansas City Chiefs and VOTE for who you want to win by donating an item to our collection!

Wednesday 2/5: "Team Spirit": Show YOUR team pride with a Blue & White Day for Charity Challenge! Donate items to earn your team 50 points!

Friday 2/7: "Touchdown for Change!": Get ready for the Superbowl with your favorite SPORTS JERSEY and donate an item for a final chance to win

Monday 2/10: “Post-Super Bowl Pajama Day”: Get cozy for the day after the Big Game with your PJs!

What's next: For this week, we are asking everyone to bring in one of the donation items in addition to participating in the spirit days. Everything collected will be donated to Jersey Cares!

Check out the flyers below for information on what items can be donated & the theme for each spirit day!
