Last week, the 8th Grade Book Club & Smith Community Service partnered to host a collection of toiletry items to support Jersey Cares!
What It Is: Inspired by their last book club novel, the 8th Grade Book Club partnered with Smith’s Community Service Club and Student Council for a “Game Day Essentials” Collection to support Jersey Cares First Night Kits.
These kits include essential toiletry items for young people and families spending a night in a homeless or domestic violence shelter.
Smith students & staff brought in items for the kits throughout the week in the spirit of helping others as well as the added bonus of winning 50 Charity Challenge points for their school teams
By the Numbers: The White team was the winner contributing 764 donations and the Blue team following close behind with 582 total donations.
Overall, the donations collected by Smith School totaled to 1,346 items. WOW
A special shout-out to Mrs. Broderick’s homeroom who contributed EVERY DAY and whose total homeroom donations for the week was 286 items. A special thank you as well to the Berberich family, who donated individual Valentines themed baggies for the Donations!
As a fun bonus connection to Super Bowl 59, students also used their donation items to vote for which team they hope to see win. Smith students have spoken and claimed that the Philadelphia Eagles will be this year’s Super Bowl Champions with most votes. Go Birds
Shout-out and thanks to: The Student Council homeroom reps, advisors, and executives for the promotion of the event, the 8th grade book club & community service club for creating this opportunity to help others, and to our generous Smith Community for making this collection such a success!
What’s Next: This week, the 8th grade book club students & volunteers from the Community Service Club will meet to pack the kits and send the items to Jersey Cares!