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Katherine Villalona
Dining Director
Marc Biunno
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Office of Curriculum
Frank Bocchino
Maintenance Manager
Buildings & Grounds
Ruthanne Cairoli
Supervisor of Human Resources
Human Resources
Jamie Carr
Senior Systems Administrator
Donald Dowson
Grounds Manager
Buildings & Grounds
Patricia Drewes
Administrative Assistant - Copy Room
Copy Room
Stephanie Eatz
Payroll/Health Benefits Coordinator
Business Office
Joseph Fojon
Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
Buildings & Grounds
Sherry Fusco
Administrative Assistant to Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
Buildings & Grounds
Vinny Grasso
District Device Specialist
Andrew Herre
Director of Student Programs
Ryan Kenny
Director of Technology
Crystal Khacherian
Accounts Payable/Bookkeeper
Lisa Lellos
Executive Secretary
Human Resources
Andrew Matteo
Office of The Superintendent
Michael Mobilio
District Helpdesk Technician
Brenda Myer
Administrative Assistant - Transportation
Thomas O'Hern
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Business Office
Joanne Origoni
Executive Secretary to Business Administrator
Business Office