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School Counseling

RHS School Counseling Office

The School Counseling staff would be glad to answer any questions you might have about Ramsey High School.

Naviance Student is your tool into the college and career center for Ramsey High School.

Log in information for Naviance or the Parent Portal or Student Portal is available by contacting your counselor or guidance secretary.

Please call the RHS School Counseling Office at (201) 785-2345 during the hours of 7:45 - 3:30 for assistance.

The School Counselors believe that every student is a unique individual. When choosing a program of studies, students should spend a great deal of time thinking about the future. They should talk with parents, teachers, and friends and spend time with their counselors. Each program should be based on a student's abilities, aspirations, previous grades, and interests.

Ramsey High School offers students an opportunity to meet their educational goals as well as begin career exploration.


Ms. Lemma Taha

Director of School Counseling


Fax: 201-818-2656

Mrs. Christine Thorp

Administrative Assistant

(201) 785-2345
Extension 21550


Mrs. Jodi Steinhart

Administrative Assistant

(201) 785-2345
Extension 21551


Mrs. Christine Bradley

School Counselor

(201) 785-2345

Mrs. Virginia Clark

School Counselor

(201) 785-2345

Mrs. Teresa Kilday

School Counselor

(201) 785-2345

Mr. Andrew Reitter

School Counselor

(201) 785-2345