What's happening: The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI) hosted its fourth annual implementation conference on March 4 and 5, promoting the principles and practices of emotional intelligence in educational settings. RULER stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating emotions, which are the core components of the program.

Why it matters: RULER, an evidence-based method for social and emotional learning, follows a structured implementation process.

  • It commences with staff training for personal and professional development, extends to classroom teaching for students, and involves engagement and education for families.

  • The annual conference offers RULER educators an opportunity to exchange insights, acquire practical tools and materials, tackle obstacles, forge connections, and draw motivation to sustain or reinvigorate RULER implementation in their schools, regardless of their current stage of implementation.

What they’re saying:

“Attending the RULER Implementation Conference was a valuable opportunity for myself and our elementary counselors to connect with other school professionals from across the country who also utilize RULER. We gained great insight on how RULER can be implemented across curriculum and embedded into overall school culture.

We were able to network with RULER Spotlight Schools to learn from their experiences and start to think more granularly about how RULER can help positively impact the SEL development of Ramsey students. Our gears are already turning on how to turnkey conference learning into practice and future programming in the coming months and next school year.” -Lemma Taha, Director of School Counseling