
What's happening: Dater 5th graders recently presented their Profile Project Ted-Talks to audiences of peers and staff. This is their culminating experience to apply our Profile of a Ramsey Graduate Competencies.

Why it matters: 5th grade Ted Talks are how we ensure our students are showing growth in our Profile competencies, such as empathy, critical thinking, and collaboration.

  • Students choose a topic that is meaningful to them, research how to best convey their stance on the subject, and then blend their narrative writing abilities with their argumentation techniques to create a presentation for the audience.

  • Getting up in front of an audience to present takes guts! Way to go, 5th graders!

The bottom line: This experience in the context of our Profile of a Ramsey Graduate is another way we set ourselves apart as a district, and how our students have a uniquely Ramland career here.

Go deeper: Check out this clip from an awesome presentation!