What's happening: Olympian rower Alex Karwoski visited Ramsey High School on Friday, May 31st to serve as a panelist for S.T.E.P.'s collaborative profile project. 

Over the last month, Ramsey’s S.T.E.P. students have been researching sports that overlap between Special Olympics and the upcoming Paris Olympics for their modified profile project.

  • Simultaneously, Ramsey High School held a week of Olympic games during physical education classes.

  • Students learned about their sport of choice and taught others how to play.

  • To close out their project, S.T.E.P. students and Ms. Olson's students worked together to interview Alex Karwoski.

Having Alex visit RHS gave the students an opportunity to complete their project with a better understanding of how determination, commitment, and spirit empower individuals of all abilities to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams despite the challenges encountered throughout their journeys.

What they’re saying: “I had such a wonderful afternoon with your entire class and have been praising your program to any/everyone who will listen! I have not forgotten about reaching out to additional teammates (and other Olympians from other sports!) who could also make the short trip to visit.” -Alex Karwoski

This interaction not only enriched the students' research but also inspired them by showcasing the real-world applications of their studies.

  • Alex’s presence emphasized the importance of hard work, resilience, and the impact of sports in bringing people together, providing a motivational boost as students finalize their projects.

  • The event was a memorable and educational experience, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated.


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