
What's Happening: Last week 53 RHS juniors and seniors tested in four languages in pursuit of the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy. Students who demonstrate proficiency in both English and an additional language will receive official recognition on their transcripts along with a formal recognition from the New Jersey Department of Education. Languages tested included French, Spanish, Japanese, and Ukrainian.

What they’re saying: “It’s inspiring to see so many upperclass students pursuing the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy. Their participation reflects both their remarkable commitment to language learning and the outstanding quality of our world language program.” - Brennan Heffernan, Supervisor of Social Studies & World Languages.

Why it matters: The class of 2025 has earned the most Seals of Biliteracy of any previous class. By highlighting their ability to communicate effectively in our multilingual world, the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy celebrates cultural and linguistic diversity while providing a competitive edge in college admissions and future careers.

Go Deeper: Learn more about the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy here.