PICTURE DAY at Dater School! Thursday, September 21, 2023!
Ramsey proudly recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month!
Hispanic Heritage Month notes the anniversaries of independence for Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, it also recognizes Mexico’s Independence Day on September 16th, Chile’s on September 18th, and Belize’s on September 21st.
Dater students worked in teams to ESCAPE THE ITC!! They used collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. Not everyone escaped, but fun was had by all!
Wishing all of our Ramsey staff, students and families celebrating Rosh Hashanah a very sweet new year.
First PTO meeting of the year at Dater School! Ms. Rejent sharing with parents about our new Morning Meetings. These meetings are set to ignite a sense of community among our students and foster a love for learning.
Working together always wins! Check this out:
Community building at Dater School. 4KM's homeroom works in teams to try to create the longest paper chain from one piece of paper. Working together to find solutions!
Reminder: Dater School Musical interest meeting TODAY after school from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Learn more about this spectacular show, Finding Nemo, from our amazing directors, Mr. Bogert, Mrs. Leon and Mrs. Jezequel.
Safety First! Mr. Carlberg starting off the school year with bus safety lessons.
Today, each of the schools in the Ramsey School District paused to reflect on the events of September 11, 2001. Through a variety of age-appropriate instruction and activity, students learned how these events changed our country forever.
We will never forget.
Rowdy had a GREAT time at Ramsey Day! 🐏💪🏻
This year's Fall Musical will be finding Finding Nemo Jr! Sign ups are happening now. Students interested in participating should bring back their signed permission slips on Monday, September 11th. Click here for the sign up letter: http://bit.ly/datermusicalsignup
Tomorrow is Dater's 1st Spirit Day! Wear your Dater gear or blue and gold!
Ms. Rejent and Mr. Carlberg giving out double fist pumps on Dater School's second day of the 2023-2024 school year. Everyone is smiling ear to ear!
A few more smiles from opening day! We love to see it Ramsey!
Meet Steph! One of Ramsey's best crossing guards - keeping kids safe and smiling with a welcome back sign she created to kick the new school year off right!
All hands on deck at Dater as Principal Rejent and Ms. Doherty help make sandwiches in the cafeteria on the first day of school. 🥪
Ramsey students head back to school! There is something special about the first day of school. Everything is possible. Let's do this. Go Rams! 🐏💪🏻
First Day for Students is tomorrow, 9/6.
Remember we have new arrival and dismissal times at each school this year:
⏰ Tisdale/Hubbard: 8:45-3:15
⏰ Dater: 8:30-3:00
⏰ Smith: 8:15-3:15
⏰ RHS: 8:00-3:00
Friday was a great day of team building for the staff of the Ramsey School District. Over 450 educators from across all 5 schools participated. Everyone then enjoyed good food and good company at the BBQ! It was a great day to be a 🐏! It's going to be a great year! Can't wait for the students on Wednesday!!
What a great day to be a Ram! We had a fantastic opening staff meeting in the RHS Gym led by our STUDENTS! The students expressed gratitude, introduced new staff, spoke about teachers who made a difference, and sang beautifully! It's going to be a great year in the Ramsey School District. Go Rams!