Congratulations to two Dater Fifth Graders who place 1st and 2nd in the Junior Woman's Club of Ramsey's 37th Annual Spelling Bee! Congratulations to all the contestants!
7 months ago, John Y. Dater School
students in spelling bee
2 students holding up certificates
Exploring Masters in 5-Modesto/Azouri! Mrs. Guthrie shared her art knowledge in a Picturing America art lesson. The students enjoyed learning about art and using what they learned to produce their own masterpieces!
7 months ago, John Y. Dater School
Parent teaching art lesson
Students holding up art creations
Words have POWER! Dater students learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr's hopes and dreams.
8 months ago, John Y. Dater School
I Have a Dream Collage
Students in front of I Have a Dream Poster
Students holding Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words
Students writing acrostic poems
Celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
8 months ago, Tina Thomson
📣 THANK YOU to Ramsey's AMAZING Buildings & Grounds Crew and District Custodians for their relentless efforts to keep our facilities safe. Your work does NOT go unnoticed! 🥶 ❄
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
Ramsey School District will operate on a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Start Times as follows: Ramsey High School - 10 AM Smith Middle School - 10:15 AM Dater School - 10:30 AM Tisdale/Hubbard - 10:45 AM RED Before Care is canceled. Please see the District website for a complete Delayed Opening Schedule. Stay safe, Rams!
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
Jan 17
4th and 5th graders had a great time in the ITC with Mrs. Lawley learning more about Computer Science and coding with the Ozobots! They learned that being a programmer requires patience, perseverance, creativity, the ability to collaborate, and so much more!!
8 months ago, Stephanie Lawley
Students watching an Ozobot tutorial.
Students holding up Ozobots and mazes.
Students designing a maze.
Students proud that Ozobot is working!
Students designing Ozobot mazes.
Ramsey School District will operate on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. A complete Delayed Opening Schedule can be seen on the District website.
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
By recognizing and celebrating Dr. King’s life and philosophy, Ramsey students honor his contributions, learn from his example, and reflect upon the inherent dignity of all people. This reflection allows all students the opportunity to develop into thoughtful, engaged, and informed citizens through this work.
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
Dr. King
By recognizing and celebrating Dr. King’s life and philosophy, Ramsey students honor his contributions, learn from his example, and reflect upon the inherent dignity of all people. This reflection allows all students the opportunity to develop into thoughtful, engaged, and informed citizens through this work.
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
Dr. King
REGISTER NOW FOR DATER CHORUS: Dater Chorus is an afterschool program that’s perfect for students who love music or enjoy singing and performing. This is a combined 4th & 5th grade activity - all students are welcome. Rehearsals take place after school on Tuesdays or Thursdays, starting the next week. Each student will only come once per week. When signing up, you choose which day to attend. Every rehearsal will be from 3:00pm - 3:45pm. To register your student for chorus, scan the QR Code or go to:
8 months ago, Dater Music
chorus sign up link
Keep an eye out! 👀 Our high achieving scholars, spectacular artists, champion athletes and more outstanding #Rams are highlighted in the Winter 2024 issue of News & Views. Read how hands-on learning and real-world experience combine to prepare students for their futures:
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
Due to the forecasted heavy rains and damaging winds, all after-school activities, including athletics, will be canceled this afternoon, Tuesday, January 9. Aftercare programs at the K-5 schools will close at 4:30 PM today. Stay safe, Rams!
8 months ago, Ramsey School District
It's flu season! 5th graders work together to complete a real life simulation of how viruses spread. Using concrete evidence they must defend their findings and determine who Patient Zero is!
8 months ago, Kerry Doherty
 2 boys sketching idea
 Example of student chart
 Example of Map
Students discussing
Ramsey High School students volunteered their time for a mentor program with Dater students. Today, students participated in a team building activity and worked together to build the tallest structure.
8 months ago, John Y. Dater School
3 High school students
students working together
2 students working on structure
Merry Christmas to those in the Dater family who celebrate!
8 months ago, Courtney Rejent
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.
What do you get when you bring 4th and 5th Graders to sing holiday songs? The radiant, sweet voices filling the air! Dater's Winter Wonderland Concert was a success! Mr. Bogert and Mr. Jacobsen worked for months preparing these students for spectacular show. Bravo!
8 months ago, John Y. Dater School
Students singing
Students singing
Student singing
Class waiting for show to start
Music teacher leading singers
Dater's Ambassadors making the final hot coco kits for delivery! They worked as a team to make Dater's first fundraiser a success!
9 months ago, John Y. Dater School
Students around a table
Teacher and student organizing
Students around table of Hot Coco packets
Teacher and students making Hot Coco kits
In Senora King's Spanish class, the 4th Grade students learned about a popular New Year's Eve tradition popular in Spain and some other Latin American countries. It's called "Las Doce Uvas." Friends and families gather together on the last night of the year in front of the television, each with a plate of 12 grapes. As the clock strikes twelve, they eat one grape at a time, making a New Year's wish for each grape. If they can make it through all 12 grapes and keep up with the clock, they will have good luck in the coming year. If they fall behind, superstition says that some bad luck might be in store! Here are some of our 4th Graders in action!
9 months ago, John Y. Dater School
2 Students eating grapes
Student eating grape
Students eating grapes
Student eating grapes
Catch tonight's ice hockey game via YouTube! Puck drops at 5:45pm.
9 months ago, Ramsey School District
hockey night!