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Christopher Peterson
Dan DeMartino
Dean of Students
Ann Alcaide
Teacher - Social Studies
Gina Altiero
Teacher - English
Manuel Alvarez
Security Officer
Christopher Bailey
Teacher - Mathematics
Alyssa Barillas
Administrative Assistant
Main Office
Kaylin Bessler
Teacher - Social Studies
Michael Biggan
Supervisor of 9-12 Education & Student Welfare
Christine Bradley
School Counseling
Joanna Butti
Administrative Assistant
Main Office
Sarah Calogero-LaNeve
Teacher - Art
Christopher Caserta
Teacher - Special Education
George Chrisafis
Teacher - Technology Education
Audrey Clare
Instructional Coach
Virginia Clark
School Counseling
Jeremiah Clark
Teacher - Special Education
Michelle Colucci
Teacher - Special Education
Melissa Cruz
Supervisor of Math & Business Education
Daniel DeMartino
Humanities Instructional Coach