email: acollado@ramsey.k12.nj.us
We are looking forward to having another great year working with you and your family. We encourage you to contact your child's School Counselor if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.
The goal of School Counseling is to provide comprehensive services for all students. Counseling, consulting and information management are among the services.
Counselors attempt to make each student feel that there is someone in the school who knows and cares about him or her. Students are counseled both individually and in groups in an attempt to help them develop into independent, self-confident young adults. Academic counseling, group counseling, testing, information dissemination, personal counseling, consulting, referral, research, placement and follow-up are the normal services that take place. Counselors believe in an "open-door" policy. Students may drop in at any time with concerns, and appointments are made when necessary. Emergencies are addressed immediately. Counselors meet with students in small groups during the lunch/recess program to address student initiated concerns and topics. Conflict resolution strategies are discussed and practiced. Counselors work closely with students to address social issues and problems and to develop resolutions. Specific "social skills" are taught as students learn to be self-advocates, problem-solvers, and confident and ethical decision-makers.
Counselors have a close working relationship with the teachers, administration and the Child Study Team. They are members of the academic "Teams" and consult with teachers on a daily basis regarding the needs of their students. Counselors establish a relationship with students and their families and help to develop a positive relationship and effective communication between home and school. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's guidance counselor with questions, concerns, or to gather feedback on their child's progress at school. Parents can schedule a meeting with their child's team to discuss academic, social, and or personal concerns.
Counselors maintain a cumulative folder for each student. They assist in administering the testing program and in interpreting results.
email: acollado@ramsey.k12.nj.us