The Ramsey Experience gives our students the freedom to follow all their passions. #Ramland 💪🐑
Ramsey '23 alumna Sophia Mazzilli is grateful for the challenge that is the #RamseyExperience! #Ramland 💪🐑
The #RamseyExperience hones personal attributes students will need for success! #Ramland 💪🐑
We asked the Class of '23 to reflect on the #RamseyExperience. What we found: It means something different to each Ram! Stay tuned as our newly dubbed alumni describe their time in #Ramland 💪🐑
Parents & Students - Please click on the link below to be redirected to the 2023 Summer Reading List website!
Calling all 3rd Grade Hubbard and Tisdale parents! Online ordering of School Supply kits for Dater Incoming 4th graders opens up today!
Order Online At:
Use Account #: 18809
Order Online By: 6/23/2023
Last Day of School Remains June 21.
We will not be extending the year to make up for the snow day. Even with the snow day, we will still be over the 180 student days required by the state of New Jersey.
June 20 and 21 will remain as minimum days.
As originally scheduled, Smith Promotion will take place on Wednesday, June 21 and RHS Graduation will be on Friday, June 23.
Welcome to our new website!
Sully is settled in this summer with the Wimpy Kid! This is the goal of every create an independent reader! Oh the places you will go! ~Sully, Age 8
Alexis is using her math skills to manage her store. I'm confident we will see her with her own business on Main Street one day! ~Alexis, Age 7
John took his love of maps to the next level by designing his own. ~John, age 7
Email from student: "I am making this book during my free time during... spring break!" ~Gianna, age 9
Keira learned about issues with animals around the globe and pitched the idea to support the WWF as a way to help resolve some of these issues. This led to a school wide WildLife Wednesday during Earth Week that raised $200 for WWF!~Keira, age 9
Ellie and her dad used to code with dad. She was happy to learn something her Dad does every day! ~Ellie, age 9
Autum was all heart when she decided to take on the promotion of the NASH FM 100,000 thank you challenge! Hearing the commercial on the radio last year gave Autum the drive to promote (with the signs she is making) and encourage Hubbard School students to say THANK YOU to our troops! Autum loves helping others. She is also currently looking for a children's hospital to collect and send stuffed animals too. "It's so easy to help. If everyone just took like 10 minutes to write a card or more than one we would have so many. I would be so happy! I wish I could deliver them!" ~Autum, age 8
Inspired by dancing robots seen at a pumpkin farm, Preston gathered up materials like cans, wires, batteries to invent his own robot that dances to music! "I am going to draw the scene and attach the paper onto cardboard. I need to get some wires and batteries and electricity to make them dance. I am going to get different songs so they can dance to them." ~Preston 5 years old
Ava created a company called Crafty Cool, to make and sell crafts! "Anyone can do something fun if they put their mind to it!" ~Ava, age 8
Alex loves to create with whatever materials he can get his hands on! "This is the best one I have made yet! I want the next one to be even better." Alex, 6 years old
Liam takes out books about Slovakia to learn and tries to learn the language himself! He forces his parents to go to the library to take out Marine Biology books to learn about animals in the ocean. He uses youtube tutorials to make origami and to learn to make duct tape figures. ~Liam, 8 years old
Anthony loves building everything from anything just like in a book : Iggy Peck, Architect by Andrea Beaty! ~Anthony, 9 years old