November 1st and November 15th are major “early” deadlines in the annual college application season.
Why it matters: Making an early application to a school on your list typically means you will receive an admissions decision by the end of January.
By the numbers: 56.5% of our Class of 2024 have processed one or more application to college as of today.
By mid-November, that number will likely be closer to 80% or higher.
In a typical year, our school counseling processes 1600+ college applications by the end of application season.
We have processed over 900 this year.
What they’re saying: “This fall, over 100 colleges and universities scheduled visits at RHS to meet with prospetive students in Gr. 11 and 12. We still have over 25 schools coming later this month and into November.”
Sign up via Naviance, if you are interested!
The bottom line: The school counselors are here to support you and your application efforts! Think ahead and make an appointment to see your counselor for help.