What's Happening: More than 60 RHS juniors and seniors elected to take a language exam as part of the process to earn a Seal of Biliteracy from the New Jersey Department of Education.

  • Overall, students tested in ten different languages. 

  • Students who demonstrate proficiency in at least one language in addition to English will earn a Seal of Biliteracy recognition from the New Jersey Department of Education.

  • The recognition will be noted on their official school transcripts and students will receive a certificate from the New Jersey Department of Education recognizing the accomplishment.  

ā€œI am thrilled to see so many students choose to test for the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy. Their participation reflects the strength of Ramsey's world language program and also demonstrates the motivation and commitment that our students have to academic excellence.ā€
-Brennan Heffernan, Supervisor of Social Studies & World Languages 

Why it matters: The New Jersey State Seal of Biliteracy celebrates and recognizes the benefits of bilingualism and cultural diversity. It also helps students stand out in the job market and college admissions, as employers and universities look for candidates who have 21st-century skills and can communicate effectively in multiple languages.