Students and Parents in front of Tisdale

The Hunger Helpers (Skylar Bolin, Khloe Flarakos, Preet Nayyar, and Zach Rein) successfully completed their 3rd-grade Profile Project and raised over $1400 for Ramsey Responds with their lemonade stand/bake sale + generous donations from family and friends.

They met with Ramsey Responds on Monday at 4 pm at Tisdale to present them with a check.

We would like to thank Mrs. Tabulov for supporting them throughout their profile project as well as Tisdale School and the Ramsey School District for giving them the opportunity to proudly lead this initiative and along the way develop invaluable skills. This was such a valuable learning experience for our 3rd graders and a great opportunity to develop their creativity and collaboration skills, effectively working together to help those in need. - Parents of Skylar Bolin, Khloe Flarakos, Preet Nayyar and Zach Rein

The big picture:  The third grade profile projects, which push students to impact change here, near, or far, begins their series of culminating performances to show they’re learning and applying the competencies of our Profile of a Ramsey Graduate.