Tisdale 3rd graders are busy using fraction tiles to explore equivalent fractions!
2 days ago, Jennifer Crawford
Tisdale Kindergartners use a math share to show different strategies for a new math game to get to 20. We love learning from each other!
2 days ago, Allison Rackoff
From science to sculpture, to slabs and coils! Tisdale artists learn about the origins of clay, how it’s used throughout history and the importance of experimenting with a variety of techniques. These artists were beyond excited turning their sketches into 3D works of art!
2 days ago, Maria Camina
Tisdale Principal for the Day taking care of some very important business!
3 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
Tisdale 2nd graders are learning all about various writer's craft to add to their realistic fiction pieces! Today, they watched a short clip from a favorite movie to identify how the writer added tension to the scene.
3 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
Tisdale 3rd graders are using the CPA method to learn about fractions! By introducing mathematical concepts through concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations, and eventually abstract symbols, students are able to develop a deeper understanding of this complex concept. Students worked to create fractions in the form of brownie pieces! We'd rather have 1/2 of a brownie than 1/6! Who wouldn't?!
3 days ago, Jaclyn Molinari
Rain can't stop Ramland from coming out to enjoy Tisdale's book fair night event! Thank you families for supporting our fair! We appreciate you!
3 days ago, Krysta Cedola
 book fair
3rd grade book club members practice accountable talk by engaging in discussions about their books! We love book clubs at Tisdale!
4 days ago, Jennifer Crawford
Today at Tisdale: 1K is kicking off Read Across America month with mystery readers and reading Dr. Seuss books with our kindergarten buddies! Sharing our love of reading makes everyone's day brighter!
4 days ago, Lauren Klaus
I can't think of a better way to kick off our Book Fair week and Read Across America week than with our first Mystery Reader! Thank you Mr. Young!
5 days ago, Jessica Smith
Mystery Reader
Tisdale students are starting their basketball unit with special guests! 3rd graders helped 1st grade buddies work on the lesson for the day!
5 days ago, Amanda Branagh
Tisdale 2nd graders in 2C are having a blast learning how to measure accurately! They collaborated to practice different kinds of jumps and measured with different units.
5 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
Thank you Tisdale preschool families for joining us as guest readers. February was a perfect time to celebrate our love of books and reading!
5 days ago, Jeanne Sullivan
Tisdale guest readers
Today at Tisdale: We are setting the bar high for Book Clubs in 3M! 📖 Giving students clear expectations for group work allows each member to hold themselves and their peers accountable.
6 days ago, Jaclyn Molinari
Thank you to the RPEF for the grant that allowed us to have Health Barn come and teach our first graders about healthy eating habits!
8 days ago, Carisa Bartley
Thank you to the RPEF for the grant that allowed us the have Health Barn come and teach our first graders about healthy eating habits.
Thank you to the RPEF for the grant that allowed us the have Health Barn come and teach our first graders about healthy eating habits.
Today's wellness walk provided Tisdale students in 3A an opportunity to clear our minds and enjoy the gorgeous sunshine. ☀️
8 days ago, Erika Angley
students walking
Today at Tisdale: The Health Barn visited to teach us all about healthy eating habits! An added bonus was taste-testing delicious smoothies!😋🍌
9 days ago, Nicole DeNoy
Health Barn
Yummy smoothies!
Incoming Kindergarteners had a blast at our annual Signing Day! A huge "thank you" to all who helped make this day a great one!
9 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
students and teachers
Learning fractions is taking off! Tisdale 3rd graders practice cutting up hexagon cookies into equal parts.
9 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale School
Tisdale Kindergarten kicking off their day with a mood meter check-in!
9 days ago, Wesley D. Tisdale