The Ramsey Experience gives our students the freedom to follow all their passions. #Ramland 💪🐑

Ramsey '23 alumna Sophia Mazzilli is grateful for the challenge that is the #RamseyExperience! #Ramland 💪🐑

The #RamseyExperience hones personal attributes students will need for success! #Ramland 💪🐑

We asked the Class of '23 to reflect on the #RamseyExperience. What we found: It means something different to each Ram! Stay tuned as our newly dubbed alumni describe their time in #Ramland 💪🐑

The Class of 2023’s Commencement Ceremony was a joyous and momentous event, filled with pride and excitement as the graduates celebrated their accomplishments and embraced the next chapter of their lives. 🎓

Parents & Students - Please click on the link below to be redirected to the 2023 Summer Reading List website! https://bit.ly/3Nbbqi0

RAMLAND’S Big Blue Marching Band will be performing at the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. The live stream begins at 1:00. https://americanveteranscenter.org/avc-events/parade/

Last Day of School Remains June 21.
We will not be extending the year to make up for the snow day. Even with the snow day, we will still be over the 180 student days required by the state of New Jersey.
June 20 and 21 will remain as minimum days.
As originally scheduled, Smith Promotion will take place on Wednesday, June 21 and RHS Graduation will be on Friday, June 23.

Welcome to our new website!