The numbers do not lie!
With approximately 450 student athletes currently involved in athletics, we are confident the 2023-24 school year will be equally as successful. 🐏
In addition to this worldly Ram Fact, 27 different languages are spoken at home!
PTO Trunk or Treat 2023
Congrats, RHS!
Readers in 2T jot about what they are thinking, and then share with their reading partners. What a great way to keep track of reading!
Today at Tisdale!
3B is working hard to draft their informational writing pieces!
Solid, measurable growth within a two-year span.
Watch your mailbox for the latest News & Views to read about new communication tools, opportunities for community input, recent improvements and how the #RamseyExperience combines academics, athletics, arts and more to give our students a well-equipped toolbelt.
We have great reason to be proud of the efforts of our Arts Department staff and students, and are truly excited about the future!
Impressive fact :: This data suggests that more students are enrolling in Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are designed to be more challenging and are often seen as college-level courses. An increase in enrollment indicates that students are seeking more rigorous academic challenges, and their confidence to do so is soaring. Congratulations Rams!
Tonight is the night! The stars will be out at Eric S. Smith School, at 7pm! Do not miss the STAR-STUDDED EVENT featuring Broadway performers as well as the performances from our own Ramsey students!
Exciting news! With the dedication of our staff and diligent commitment of our students, this is quite the honor!
Book buddies!
3H has been loving partner reading over the last few days! We love sharing what information we find in our nonfiction books and asking partners all about it!
Super fun Friday!
Students in 2T participate in a hands-on experiment to learn about the salt water and fresh water on the Earth.
Middle school years set the stage for high school and beyond. Students at Smith rose to challenge and performed beautifully with their accomplishments!
Today @ Tisdale:
Students had the best time learning about character traits at today's Mystery Surprise assembly. We learned that the most important thing is to treat others the way you want to be treated!
Ram Facts: Telling our story through student growth and achievement.
We love reading! Students in 2C share "think marks" with their partners to show their thoughts in a fun way.
Ramsey student success creates and tells the story. We truly are so proud!
Look who earned a visit from Deputy Donut! So proud of these amazing students who were recognized for amazing hall manners and helping keep our school safe! Thank you Mrs. Cedola!