Let's make it a great week, Ramsey!
1st grade student shares out how he applied a new strategy to his writing piece with the class.
Communication and collaboration in action! 3A Ss had a great time meeting and reading with their reading buddies in 1D.
The facts are piling up - Ramsey is a GREAT place to learn and grow.
Have a great weekend, Rams!
🎉Woohoo! Burlington Coat Factory is making a splash in Ramsey with their latest store opening! They're giving back to the community in a big way - by making a whopping $5,000 donation to Tisdale School through!
Our Did You Know series continues - with Ram Facts showing strength in numbers!
In 3L, writing in reflection journals is becoming one of the best parts of their day! Taking the time to reflect each day allows students to think of what went well and what can be improved upon tomorrow. As students work on metacognition skills, they learn to focus on their own growth!
Third graders work with words in a variety of hands-on ways. Here they are creating a sort pattern for their partner to guess.
Our Annual Pumpkin Fair was a huge success! We were blown away with this year's pumpkin decorating contest and want to congratulate and thank everyone who participated!
Tisdale students took advantage of the beautiful fall weather on National Walk to School Day!
3rd Graders at Tisdale used the CPA model to explore the Distributive Property!
CPA stands for Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract and represents three stages that lead to deep mathematical understanding of concepts.
Ss in 3A rehearse for drafting by teaching all they know about their topic to their writing partner.
Using benchmarks to tell our own story. 🐏💙💛
It's spooky season @ Tisdale!
Check out these amazing book character contest pumpkins at the PTO Pumpkin Fair!
Time to test your Ramsey knowledge!
Ramsey School District will be sharing some of its top highlights throughout the month of October in its Ram Facts series. Check back daily to ensure you really are in the know! 🐏
Book Buddies in 2K and KN met today to share their love of reading! 📚
The #4Cs ~ Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication were all on display when the preschoolers built structures to hold “Ten Apples Up On Top” 🍎🍏
2T had fun practicing math facts with a game of Memory Match!
When it is raining outside, we do recess inside and travel to Jurassic Park.
Our class is a family themed class charter! We loved thinking of ideas of how we can be a class family in 3H!